Asisten Busines On The Internet

With this blog you can understand how the basic etiquette and doing business on the internet and what are the things that can benefit you.

Make Money Online Using The Power Of Internet Marketing!

Have you ever wondered how life was before we had the internet? A lot has changed since the invention of the internet. A mere click of a mouse can connect millions of people across the globe - incredible! The internet has changed not only how the world communicates, but it has also opened up a realm of possibilities for entrepreneurs that were not possible only two decades ago.

It's true - network marketing is different today as compared to years ago. More and more network marketers are now building their businesses using the internet. The old marketing methods such as chasing family and friends, bugging strangers in the shopping malls, cold-calling prospects and so on are no longer effective in this internet age.

Having said that, using the internet does NOT guarantee your business success. Why is that? See, internet marketing takes more than an internet connection, a personal computer and perhaps a website. It involves a lot actually if you want to become successful. The internet is extremely competitive and it's very, very important to learn how to use it to market your business effectively.

I see some new internet marketers failing miserably as they attempt to make money online. They either have no experience or idea about using internet marketing to build their businesses. They get overwhelmed by all what is out there and get lost in the forest of internet marketing. If you are one of them, then pay close attention...

If you are serious about achieving success by marketing your business and make money online, then you need to find the best internet marketing system. With countless marketing systems out there, it is imperative that you conduct your own research and look for the one which meets the following criteria:

1. Offers personalised online marketing solutions for all levels of expertise and budget,
2. Provides tools required to market your business anywhere in the world,
3. Focuses on comprehensive training and education:teaches cutting-edge internet marketing techniques
  • conducts regular educational webinars and calls
  • provides entrepreneurial and mindset training
  • hosts live internet marketing events
4. Provides easily accessible support facilities to help with any technical issues,
5. Offers personal mentoring by top earners in the industry to create success in others,
6. Has a call centre doing the sifting and sorting process, closing sales for you.

Finding the best internet marketing system will save you a lot of money as well as months and months of your learning curve and help you to make money online faster!
READ MORE - Make Money Online Using The Power Of Internet Marketing!

3 Timely Online Business Ideas

Promoting products that are in demand is one of the keys to making money on the Internet. In this article we will discuss three online business ideas that are working well for people right now. It will be up to you to work in the products for these specific ideas.
  • Provide a service for other Internet marketers. There are many Internet marketers catching on to this idea.
However there are many services on the Internet that need more Internet businesses to take care of them. Blog writing is a perfect example of this.
Even if there are thousands of blog writers available right now they could never provide all the needed blog content. There are literally millions of blogs online right now that need the content added to them and the owners are too busy to do it.
Blog writing is just as about as good as it gets if you want a timely Internet business. Their other online services that are in demand right now to. All you have to do is spend a little time researching to come up with them.
  • start an affiliate business targeting a specific niche. This really is the way to do affiliate marketing today.
You can turn your small niche site into an authority site over time as well. But when you are initially starting out you want to zero in on a very specific niche that gives you less competition.
For example starting a niche affiliate business on Internet marketing would not be the way to go. A better idea would be to target a specific are of Internet marketing such as using an autoresponder to get rich.
Niche marketing as an affiliate helps eliminate some of your competition and still sell products as an affiliate marketer.
  • Start your own blog around a passion you have. This is a great idea because if you enjoy it and never seems like work.
If your passion is also something that you are an expert at that's even better. This really is a great way to provide useful information and have fun at the same time.
The business side of it comes in selling advertising, selling affiliate products, creating your own products, and so on. Turning your blog into a profit center is something that does take time, but if it's something that you are passionate about you can enjoy doing it.

In summary these are three timely online business ideas that would be a good way for you to get started. The amount of money you make will come down to how you develop your business and the amount of effort that you are willing to put into it.

READ MORE - 3 Timely Online Business Ideas

So many businesses already know the power that they can harness by joining LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a bit like Facebook, but completely business-orientated. People use it to connect and build rapport with potential clients, as well as with other business owners, where they can share past experiences and advice. In this post, I will give you 5 tips to improve you success on LinkedIn. So, have a read!
  • Add a personal touch - LinkedIn is full of businesses who just set up their profile and then expect new business to come rolling in. To a certain extent, you might get some new business, but in order to maximise your chance on LinkedIn, add a personal touch to your profile, and show other business owners and potential clients that you have actually put the effort in to create a friendly page.
  • Interact - As with any other social networking site, be it Facebook, Twitter or anything else, the main point of it is to interact with potential clients. Maybe say on your profile that you are happy to help anyone who is having any problems, and then when messages come through asking for advice, give it to them; for free. This will help to build a relationship with that person. Just don't give too much advice, or they wouldn't need to do business with you!
  • Profile Picture - Same as Facebook and Twitter; if you have a picture of yourself up, people will be a lot more inclined to interact with you. It always helps to have a face behind the brand.
  • Connections - Connect with as many people as you can. I don't mean randomly adding people, I mean searching keywords that your ideal customer may have included in their profile, and add them. Once they have accepted, be the first to message them thanking them for accepting you, and let them know what you do.
  • Rapport - As with any sort of marketing, build rapport with your customer. You shouldn't sell directly on LinkedIn, you should try and re-direct anyone who is interested to your website or blog. Make sure you build some rapport with these people first though, once they like you, they will pay more attention to the links you post.

I hope you found this helpful, and if you would like to share any other tips you may have with other readers, please feel free to leave a comment.
READ MORE - 5 Tips To Improve Your Success On Linkedin

The point of writing a blog is to gain readers. How do you do that? By promoting your blog on a blog forum. Blog forums are filled with people who care about the same as you: their blogs. Find out how blog forums can help you.
Blogst Forum, Blogger Forum, and Bloggeries are a few of the popular forums for bloggers. Use a search engines to find out what the best blog forums are. Before you register, it is a good idea to see how active the forum is, because you want to sing up for in a busy place.
When you thing that you have found a forum that you like, make sure that you review all of their rules and regulations before you post anything. It is important to not tromp into a forum and offend protocol, because doing so will simply harm your reputation and offend forum participants.
Get Free Blog Traffic by Leaving Comments
Using a blog forum can be very valuable on a number of fronts, some of which are listed below.
If you want to get some feedback on the quality of your blog, you can ask for critiques from you fellow forum members. Ask for feedback on the look and feel of your blog, on the topic and on the content. Remember, when you ask for opinions you will very likely get them, because everyone has one. Then it is up to you to figure out which opinions are worth listening to. People will have different opinions on your blog, but if you see that everyone is saying the same thing, you might want to change that thing on the blog.

It is important to "give and take" in a blog forum. If you would like feedback on your blog, make sure you are giving constructive feedback on other people's blogs. Reading other people's blogs will help you, because the more you read, you will see what you do and do not like about the blogs, and you will be able to produce a better blog yourself.
As you are wading through the forum posts you may also notice that you gather a lot of little helpful pieces of information from other bloggers. You may see ideas on advertising, content or even affiliate marketing. Learn as much as you can on the forum, and keep track of what you learn. You will undoubtedly find a place in your blog for some of these ideas some time in the future.
It takes time to become fully active on a blog forum, so be patient. You will develop your free blog traffic more quickly if you participate in multiple forums at the same time.
READ MORE - New To Blogging? Get Readers Through Forums

You can make money with websites quickly if you follow this great technique and focus on mini sites.
At one time, everyone believed that you needed to build a huge website with hundreds of pages full of great content. That is no longer the case, although you certainly can benefit from such a site. It can offer a lot of value to its visitors who are seeking information. These are often called information websites that are less focused on selling products.
Today, mini sites are in. There is a reason for that.

In building large sites, you are limited by how much money you can make simply because of the time they take to create and maintain. Usually, a large site will sell several products in the same niche. Then, you would market the individual pages where you are selling those products, rather than promoting the main page.

The drawback to this approach is that the search engines tend to list your index page first, and then the pages that reflect what people are looking for. This usually is not the products you are offering. You need to promote those pages yourself if you want the search engines to index them.
Mini sites are easy and fast to build. Just add good material for the benefit of the SEs but put more attention on marketing the product pages. The content makes your site more relevant. Do this with many niches and you duplicate your ability to make money.
These small sites usually on have 5 pages or so that includes your index page, your About page, a Privacy page and 2 pages of helpful content.
These small sites target a small number of keywords which are inserted throughout the site naturally. When the search engines come around, they will soon see that your site is offering what the searcher is seeking.

While you can use such sites to promote in different niches, you can also build them to target different sets of keywords. For instance, each site can promote a different product in the same niche using alternative keywords. This increases your chances of coming up in the search results.
Keeping these mini sites up to date is much more time and energy efficient. Besides, you can gain a top position in the search results for your keyword choices.
Many marketers begin by selling affiliate products because they don't have to worry about all the behind-the-scenes work, like updating the product and dealing with customer issues.
Once they start making money regularly through affiliate sales, they decide they'd rather have their own products and keep all the profits for themselves. They still sell affiliate products, but as extra products that enhance their own to maximize their sales potential.
If you truly want to make money with websites, this is a proven approach that has made many marketers a hefty income.

READ MORE - Looking To Profit? Make Money With Websites Like This

Niche definition - niche marketing secrets. In this article you will find how to find profitable niches , how to determine if your niche is profitable or not. It will give you the Internet marketing strategies and knowledge you need. Niche definition - niche marketing secrets . Why do you need to know secrets of niche marketing? Because the Internet is getting awfully crowded and competitive.

The future of Internet marketing is in the niche
In this age of information overwhelm, more and more people are willing to pay for the specialized information they need. And for goods and services not offered in their area.

The Internet gives them access quickly and effortlessly.
More and more offline business are beginning to focus on smaller niches to satisfy different interest groups. By cutting through the competition with niche marketing finding the perfect niche market that they're overlooking. While a small business may not be able to compete with the giant sites on their level '” the truth is, they can't compete with a good niche site on any level.

Take a look around the Internet '” niche markets are thriving. Practically every product or service sold on the Internet is part of it's own unique niche market '” a specific field or area of interest. And it's filled with eager, hungry buyers willing to spend their last dollar on what they are passionately interested in.
If you'd like to make money on the Internet working only a few hours a week, with very little competition in a niche market you enjoy, then these may be the most important secrets you'll find on the Internet. But niches are filling up fast. You must act now to establish yourself before it's too late.

Here are a few of the important points you'll must to consider:
  1. you must to know what your customers want and what they're willing to pay for.
  2. you must to find out if people are willing to spend money on your product before you begin creating it or even think of building a website.
  3. you must to know that one market can be much more lucrative than another- if you have this surefire formula for telling the difference.
  4. you must to know how utilize the highest quality free advertising to skyrocket your sales.
What you MUST know about niche marketing : Not every niche market is profitable. Some niches are too small and others are too big. Some are dead'“in'“the'“water, while others are over'“exploited or already far too competitive.
Only by knowing how to choose the right niche market and the right internet marketing strategies can you be assured of success.
Niche definition - niche marketing secrets. Only by knowing how to choose the right niche market and the right internet marketing strategies can you be assured of success. The secret is in first knowing if the niche you are interested in is viable. Knowing if you can you make money in it and how.
READ MORE - Niche Definition- Niche Marketing Secrets

Online Career Right For You

The wonders of the internet have proven themselves once again with it being a source of people's income. These online jobs, unlike traditional work, permit people to work for those who are practically thousands of cities away. Most of the time, online jobs also allow people to stay at home to work. Moreover, it's even less costly for these online workers because sometimes, what they only need is a brain, a working laptop/computer at home and a very reliable internet connection.

There are many streams of income that will make you profit from online stints. Some will pay better. Some will also take less time and energy. But the kind of online work that is very rewarding is one wherein you still have to put an extra effort and concern for the quality of results you submit to your employer.

Here is a list of some of the best ways to benefit financially from the internet:

1. Online Businessmen
So many sites encourage selling online. Among these are eBay and Multiply. But for an entrepreneur who wants to have his own website for exclusivity, he can buy a domain name, set it up, and start making money. For those who prefer this route, always remember to pay for a web host that is credible. This will not cost as much as those businesses that sell online, because you wouldn't need any salespeople and warehouse space.

2. Write Articles
Freelancing is preferred by many because most are able to manage their own time, and choose their own projects. So many freelance opportunities have popped up online that can also help thicken your wallet. Finding these kinds of opportunities is no longer hard. Just search the job listings for writers. Be honest about your work schedule and always complete the job with the best quality and also within the deadline.

3. Affiliate Marketing
Sell products that do not belong to you. Yes, that's possible with affiliate marketing. There is no need for a website and a capital. What you need is a registration in forums for you to be able to use your persuasive skills to sell products. Because when you are successful in encouraging the other users in that same forum, the company that you are selling for is also going to give you a good percentage of that selling price.

The internet is one that is linked to a worldwide network where people of different cultures and beliefs can just sit down, work together in the genius that is the World Wide Web.
READ MORE - Online Career Right For You

Internet Marketing is about making a direct sale through your website. The rewards you get from online marketing are huge enough as it reaches a wider scope of audience online. But in order to get the most out of your internet marketing campaign, you need to have an understanding of who your target audience is. The more you know about your industry the more advantage and protection you will have.
In setting up your internet marketing campaign, there are a lot of factors you would need to consider.

The following will help you initialize your campaign in a good start.

  • Create Goals - you should need to know the purpose of your campaign, where you would want to go and how you can successfully achieve these goals.
  • Competitors Analysis - it is vital to know who your competitors are and learn about their actions so you can structure and outline your plan accordingly.
  • Be the Go-to-Person - establish your authority on the web where people can go to and depend on for solutions to their problems and for right information.
  • Identify your Market - By targeting a specific market, you will be able to save money by spending less on marketing and increase marketing.
  • Keyword Research - Knowing the right keywords to use will help your site increase traffic.
  • Website Structure - A website without good contents will never obtain a good positioning on the search engines. So make sure to always maintain fresh contents on your site or update it all the time.
There are many advantages to internet marketing that will help drive more customers to your site and leads to your business growth. Millions of users are relying on the internet these days to find products and services. The challenge lies to vendors brave enough to face the tough competition and set themselves apart from their competitors by continuously innovating and improving their talents and strengths in the right direction.
READ MORE - How To Successfully Build An Internet Marketing Campai

What Are The Advantages Of Using Email Marketing Systems ?

The greatest thing about advertising online is that you can reach to thousands of potential clients and business partners without exerting too much effort. You can also do this without spending a lot as well. This is the main reason why you should get the most effective email marketing systems so you would have an efficient way of selling your product to the clients as if you are offering it yourself and not with automated responses.

There are major advantages of having these useful email marketing templates. For one, the list of emails that you would include in the system would let you keep in touch with your clients for a long time. Even if you haven't made a deal with them or they already purchased something from you, it is still important that you build relationship with them.

And since you could still contact these clients, you will be able to build not only a better business relationship but trust at the same time. People tend to buy items or services from those that they trust. With the use of the email marketing systems, the readers would be able to get a glimpse of your personality as an entrepreneur and how you handle clients like them. Do not just limit yourself on simple words with catchy formats. Why not attach videos at the same time when sending emails to your clients?

Lastly, with the trust and connection that you created through the personalized messages as part of the email marketing systems, you could gain income from the clients. This is the reason why you use these email marketing templates in the first place. By the time that they are already comfortable doing business with you, they would then start trying your services. In return, you would earn money as they inquire and ask you to do the job for them.
READ MORE - What Are The Advantages Of Using Email Marketing Systems ?

Affiliate MarketingIf you have been trying to find a way to make money online for a while, you probably have heard of affiliate programs once or twice. Affiliate programs also known as "associate programs" or "publisher programs" are a big part of any online business. Most successful online retailers owe a part of their huge success to their affiliate programs and affiliate marketers registered under those programs. You can also use affiliate programs to make money online. To do that, you have to understand it.

Here is a simple explanation of how affiliate programs work:

You decide to build a website for your own business, or to promote different products and services. You find products and services you want to promote, and sign up with their affiliate programs. You will be given a special link or banner that you can place on your website. Then you start to promote your website in order to drive traffic to it. Visitors start coming to your site. A visitors who has been looking for more information about the product you are promoting, decides to click on that link or banner and buys the product. He clicks through to the product manufacturer's website and makes a purchase. That purchase will earn you a commission.

That's the whole idea behind affiliate programs. It helps retailers and manufactures increase theirs sales, and it allows you as an affiliate to make money every time someone purchase something using links or banner on your website.

Today, almost all online retailers and companies have affiliate programs. Affiliate programs cater to all kind of businesses. As an affiliate marketer, you may earn as much as over $1 million per year or as less as $2 a month. The amount of money you make is directly linked to your hard work and efforts in promoting your website and driving targeted traffic to it. Obviously, the more you promote your website, the more visitors will come to your website. And more visitors means more buyers, which ultimately means more money for you.

In a nutshell, affiliate marketers are the middle man of online business. As an affiliate marketer you direct potential costumers to the merchants website in exchange for a commission. And that is a great way for making money online.
READ MORE - How Do Affiliate Programs Work?

Affiliate marketing business is fastly becoming one of the most common businesses on the internet. With its amazing business model that allows individuals to spend less and earn more, it's no doubt one of the most patronized businesses since the emergence of the World Wide Web.

Let's briefly go over some affiliate making money tips.
There are many products you can promote as an affiliate. If you look closely you will find that some products are more valuable than others. The best products to promote are things that can be used by a wide range of individuals.
Making the wrong choice of affiliate business can hinder your success.

When starting an affiliate business, you need to carefully consider the keywords you use as this is vital to getting your product to the end users. Take the time to do a good keyword research before promoting any product online. Anything contrary can hinder you from generating sufficient income. If you can find a handful of keywords people use to find your kind of product on the internet and work on honing your marketing skills, you wouldn't have much problem selling your product.
You need to setup your own site. If you can't afford a site you can create a free blog for the meantime.

The most vital thing in affiliate marketing business is the amount of people that visit your site. If your site is new you would have trouble getting people to reach you site. The best way to go about this is to learn some marking strategy and start promoting your site on the internet.
In the nutshell, find a good product to promote, carefully pick your keywords, create a site or blog and work on building your traffic.
These are just the basic affiliate making money tips you need to get started.
Best Wishes
John Benjamin
READ MORE - Affiliate Making Money Tips

To many people wealth building is man's ultimate goal in life. It has two applications'the inner and the outer. The inner refers to peace of mind, happiness and satisfaction. The outer wealth includes the material things in life such as money, real estate, cars business and holidays.
Before the age of information, the businesses were confined in the traditional offices run by several real people. Today, businesses are made possible even at home. A business can even be a one-man show.
The World Wide Web made it possible to acquire wealth. Referred to as the internet wealth, the internet provides endless opportunities to earn money, whether you work at home or at the office.
The steps involved in wealth building are more than physical. It requires financial and psycho-mental resources. The physical process of gaining financial growth includes the tasks and activities in line with your financial goals. In the virtual world, this process is likened to marketing strategies to boost your money-making system.

The psycho-mental process is a sole work of your mind. Such process is to condition your mind to direct your thoughts and emotions towards the achievement of your financial goals. Among the output of your mental works are the strategies contained in your business plan.
Before you reach your financial goals in life, you first need to invest your money. Investment is like planting fields. You need to sow on the land. To make it grow, it needs care and the elements of life such as air, water, and minerals.

It is also the same with wealth building. It constantly needs care, and the elements it needs are strategies to promote your business, and turn it into money-making investment. Perhaps, it is best to see your marketing plan as the fertilizer to your plants'nourishment.
Marketing plans enrich your business. When your business is properly enriched, it becomes productive. When its production is optimized, the profits are increased. Moreover, just like the fertilizer, your business plan should have two features.

One feature is about the strategies to promote your business and turn it into a money-making system. The other feature is about risk management. Your risk management tactics are geared towards managing the risks that your business may incur. Generally, the risks are in financial losses.

Understand that the two features of your business plan are independent of each other. However, they are also related. Your risk management strategy ensures that your marketing strategies are working for its purpose'wealth building. It may determine the level of risks you are willing to gamble.
Parts of your risk management are tactics to counter the threats that are blocking your marketing strategies. Marketing strategies can be expensive. Before you decide which marketing campaigns are ideal for your business, a thorough study is needed.

The study involves analysis of your business and the market you are targeting. It also includes evaluation of existing campaigns as far as results and costs are concerned. If you feel your knowledge and skills are not enough, you can employ the services of experts. They know a lot about wealth building.

Wealth building is about knowing which path can lead you to your goals. When you know the right path, work on learning how to walk on such path.
READ MORE - You Can Start Your Wealth Building With These Tips

How can you tell if your supplier of promotional items is doing a good job for you or not. Like the majority of suppliers if you use a small pool of people all the time it is hardly surprising to learn that they may well have become complacent. Competition is critical in every area of commerce and the provision of your promotional goods is absolutely no different This article discusses what sort of service you should receive when sourcing your next order of business gifts or promotional clothing. You can then check out our recommendations against your current dealer of promotional products and see how they compare.

It really should not matter whether you are trying to find some uncomplicated promotional items such as leather conference folders for a meeting perhaps or a lot corporate gifts to give away at the launch of a new product. The reaction from your dealer should be fast and informative. Suggestions for various merchandise ought to be accompanied by pictures of the products and hopefully a lot rationale as well. By that I mean if the event was an outdoor activity in the middle of summer time then the proposed product may possibly for example be promotional bottled water because it is very hot and individuals will be thankful for it.

Service level agreements ought to be guaranteed and then carefully benchmarked. If you make a request for suggestions relating to an event which may have been sprung on you at extremely short notice then there is no point in your dealer taking three to four days to be suggesting a selection of promotional products from the Far East that could take 12 weeks to arrive. There is absolutely no reason why E.Mails should not be acknowledged with 30 minutes of arriving even if it's just to advise you that your request has been listed and is dealt with.

Visits could obviously take a bit more time to set up nevertheless they are necessary if you have a big event to set up and want to talk about a variety of promotional products. Samples need to be bought to such a meeting in particular where promotional clothing is concerned. Whilst it is fair to say that you would not need to know exactly how a promotional calculator feels that is definitely not the case with embroidered polo shirts or printed T- shirts. Any promotional merchandise whose quality cannot be determined over the telephone or by e.mail must be viewed ahead of the order being placed.

The amount that you pay out for any of your promotional merchandise is of course an absolutely critical component of any agreement. Regular examining of competitor prices has to be done to ensure that you are getting the very best package for your corporate items. But it's very important that any benchmarking should be done fairly and that the rates quoted for any promotional products are for the exact same items. This is especially significant with any promotional clothing as the quality of one printed T-shirt for example might be vastly different to that of another.

Trust has to play a part in any business relationship and manufacturers of promotional goods have in general got a very good reputation. However there are always one or two people who will take advantage of any situation which is why it's important to always be on your guard.
READ MORE - Are You Paying Too Much For Your Promotional Merchandise? Find Out Right Now

internet marketingMany people get intimidated by just hearing business computer internet marketing online because of how complex it sounds. The truth is that when people really get to know all the details that they need to know about this new line of business, they will even realize that having a business in real life is a lot more complicated than it is online. Imagine having to take care of a lot of things in the real world like inventory, management and even marketing.

However, because of the undoubted popularity of the internet and its uses, a business computer internet marketing online is already easier to handle. This is just like having your own business the only difference is that you use the internet as your primary medium. You would not even believe that the types of businesses found over the internet range from small up to large ones. People are finding businesses online as very effective because the scope of their market does not only reach the local scene, but the global scene as well. Another advantage of this online marketing over the ones found in the real world is that you do not need to have a very huge investment; in addition, it does not require the entrepreneur to build up an actual store. All that one needs to have to be able to participate in this type of marketing is a decent computer and internet connection. Before you start, it is however required that you first need to make your own marketing plan that will give you direction. In making a marketing plan, you need to first ask yourself what are the types of products and/or services that you want to offer people. The next thing you should find an answer to is to whom you would like to directly address your products and/or services. It also best if you study who and what companies you think will become your competitor and what exactly are they offering the people. And lastly, you also have to determine what time of media marketing tool you will use when you have already started your business. Knowing these things will really help you in going to the right direction; this is helpful so that you will not wasting your time on something that is going nowhere. After you have already identified the required details, it is now time to find an expert that you can turn to as a consultant in this field. This person will be the one who will guide you in how you must go about with you planned involvement in the online marketing field.

internet marketingFor sure, when you are really very determined to have a business computer internet marketing online and you religiously follow all the things that your consultant says, you will be where you want to be in no time. Just remember that no matter what type of marketing tool you would like to use to earn a decent amount of money for yourself, the key is to always work very hard and give your 110%.
READ MORE - Easier In Reality: Business Computer Internet Marketing

These days, there are so many marketing tools and print sales literature that are being distributed every day. So much so that each business owner and marketer would want to have the most desirable marketing tool to stand out with the right marketing material. This is where having booklet printing in your marketing arsenal can help you. Having print booklets as your marketing tools can make it easy for you to advertise your products and services. With a print booklet, you can include more information about your business – more than what you can have in print flyers or a door hanger for example. Hence, the design and content you have in your booklet are very important when considering printing booklets.
These are the elements you need to consider carefully if you want your booklet printing to work for your desired results:
Design. If you don't know how to create one, consider using the internet to download a ready-made template for your use. There are hundreds of websites of booklet printing companies where they happen to make available templates which you can use to customize and fit according to your own marketing needs.
You can also avail of commercially available software programs if you're having trouble designing your print booklets. There's the Microsoft Publisher and Adobe InDesign to help you come up with a template that fits what you have as a business and what you would like to offer your target clients. And then there's also the process of hiring a professional graphic designer to create your booklet for you. You may need to shell out more than what you have for your budget but the extra expense would be worth it.
Content. This is actually one of the most important elements in your booklet printing. If your design is what makes your target clients attracted to your marketing tool; your content would make them want to stay and read more of what you have to say. Thus, it is important to decide on what goes into your print booklet as not all information is necessary. Highlight your message with fonts that can also stand as designs in your booklet. And don't forget to use colored images to emphasize your ideas and thoughts.
Print. Lastly, consider the printing that you would have for your print booklets. This would mean looking for the most appropriate booklet printer that can help you produce the best print booklets to market your business. Your printer is not only the hired help to render the services you require. More than that, they are actually allies that can help you create the most effective and attractive marketing tools that would generate clients for you. So be sure to choose one that you can actually work with. Be sure to pick a printer that you can rely on to help you bring the best of what you have in your custom booklets.
READ MORE - Print Booklets As Tools For Marketing

Page Rank GoogleThere are millions of sites that are connected through the internet. It has all the topics covered and each topic might be covered in more than one site. When some topic is searched for, the popular sites come in the first followed by the not so popular ones in the search engine. For this reason, owners of the websites always try to improve the ranking of the site. This will also create more traffic in the favour of their site.
This article discusses some strategies on how to improve website ranking.

It is all a number game that people want more viewership to their site. They make it as attractive and also select proper keywords to increase to visitors. The following paragraphs have some tips of how to do this.

The first thing that one needs to keep in mind is the content of the site. This is the main cause for people to visit your site. People want appropriate and genuine information. Therefore this is something one has to concentrate on to get better ranking. Sometimes the information change, keep a track of this change and update the site with latest information.

The next step is the keywords selection. This is also a primary reason and affects the success of the site adversely. Make a study of the keywords that are very frequently used. Use the search engines for the results and check if it is a part of your competitors. If yes then you are on the right track. You can stick to those keywords or much better ones. Use the primary keywords as often as possible. It is always advisable to use in the first few words. This will interest the visitors. Also repeat it in the next content but make sure it is not used in unnecessary places. This might bore the people who read.
The keywords that are selected can be used in all important places like the tags, headers, titles and also the navigation. Make a sitemap. Many search engines like the Google prefer the sitemaps. It is easy to be created and is very important and decisive in the game of rankings.

First submit your websites manually to the various search engines. Submit all the internal pages rather than just submitting the landing page of the site. Use the keywords in an appropriate way even in the internal pages and tags. If any pages are created later, submit these pages also to search engines. You can also submit the content to some social sites that bookmark. Make it more useable by using some utility like the onlywirecom. This also creates few back links. You can also write articles regarding your product or site. These articles can then be submitted to directories like eZine. This also creates backlinks which improves the ranking of the site. There could be exchange in links but it is generally one way. But it might help in increasing the traffic and not in improving the ranks.

From this article now you know how to improve website ranking.

READ MORE - A Method To Boost Your Website Ranking.

You know the Amazon site?

Surely you answer yes, who does not know the site in the world's largest online store in the development business, the program is very in love by the blogger is an affiliate program whereby we can get a commission from the installation iklanya on our site.
You are interested in trying?
Here, I'll give you some steps to be able to register on this site.

  1. Open the site and slide the bar down scrool then click on Join Associate With Us.
  2. You will be brought into the page there you will be served by associates of the rules submitted by the amazon, read the instructions delivered, if you feel agree to the terms convey the provisions in the amazon, kilk Apply Now.
  3. After entry into the join page, as a new customer you select no, I am a new customer then click Sign in using secure server.
  4. At the sign in page you need to fill in your name, email address to as an ID to log in, date of birth, and Password when you're done filling out all this and then click the Continue button.
  5. On the next page you are asked to fill out the contact Information and your web profile, here you should fill in completely and correctly. It is asked in this section is the Payee Name Fill in your name clearly and correctly, Address line 1.2 and 3 select one only if you live in only one address for the second and third are optional only just. City is the city where you live or regional State Province, Postal Zip, Country, and the contact phone number Same as payee select yes or no. For information on your profile or blog website amazon party asked a few questions in form of questions such as What is the name of your website? Fill in the title of your web blog, What is the URL of the web site you use to send traffic to amazon? Enter your bolg web address that will be used to serve ads from amazon Which of the Following topics best describes your main website (s)? in this section you are required to choose a protective topk suitable for your blog or at least approaching, this is important to facilitate the search for the same ad. Briefly describes your site, including the type of items you intend to list, here you have to inform you briefly about your blog site, including information about the goods you want to display on your blog site later.
  6. if completed check list on the Contract Terms that means you agree to the terms provided by the amazon, and then click Finish
  7. Once registration is completed then you will get the ID and the gratitude of the amazon for registering yourself. now you will be entered in the session settings where your payment will be contributed to two key questions about the process of payment arrangements, namely: Specify Payment Method Payment Method Specify Now and Later. If you want to set it now then click Specify Payment Method Now button and you will be taken to the payment settings page, here the amazon offer three payment systems who want to do and select the one that is. Pay me by gif certificate / card, Pay me by direct deposit and Pay me by check. If you want the payment in money then choose the third method is Pay me by check and then click Continue.
  8. All the registration process on amazon you have completed your enrollment until the beginning of the payment method, now your application will be approved soon. If there has been no statement from the amazon then wait for a seven day routine of work and you need to check email. If your process has been approved it came to installing amazon products on your website, how do I put an ad where the amazon ads? in the next article I will convey to you, for it remains to follow tips on tips from my blog and wash dollar through "KEEP SPIRIT!"

Source :
READ MORE - Business affiliation with

How is payment from google adsense?

Like yesterday I publish articles that Google adsense is a way to make money from blogs by using "Pay Per Click" where we will get a commission every person who visited us there and then clicking on ads from Google Adsense which we put on our blog.

Normally we would get a payment when it reached 100 dollars or more. Then how do we to get payment from google adsense.

And to note is Google Adsense payment request is made before the 15th of each month. If you do request payment after December 15, payment will be done in the next month. And also in doing this payment request, your income is at least $ 100 (before December 15 was $ 100). If on the date of 15 less than $ 100 but at the end of the month had reached $ 100 payment will be in suspended, and in paying the following month.

Below are some guidelines for payment from google adsense, which I quoted from the Help Center Google AdSense Payment Guide.

1. Check the address

Since payments and Personal Identification Number, which we will explain below, sent to the mailing address in your account, you need to ensure the accuracy of the address and payee name. Especially note that checks and Western Union payments addressed to the payee name exactly as entered in the accounts.
2. Provide tax information

We may have to collect tax-related information from you, depending on location. If you must provide tax information, you can do so on the Tax Information page in the My Account tab. Our interface will help you determine the appropriate forms and requirements to your situation. (For country Indonesia does not need to fill out this form.)

3. Choose your payment method

Depending on the payment address, there are several payment options including checks, Electronic Funds Transfer, and Western Union Quick Cash. The easiest way to find out the payment option is visiting the Account Settings page, then clicking the link Payment Information [edit].

If you are already a publisher who agreed, select payment method now.

4. Enter your PIN and phone verification number

When income reaches the threshold of verification, we will send you a Personal Identification Number to the payment address in your account. You must enter a PIN to the account so we can send the payment. PIN will be sent by regular mail and should arrive in 2-3 weeks.

You may also be asked to verify your phone number, depending on location. As part of this process, our system will call you at the appointed time and ask you to enter a verification number that appears in your AdSense account.

5. Payments in the income threshold to achieve

If the total unpaid earnings reach the threshold payment, we will send you a payment at the end of next month. This threshold varied depending on the reporting currency in the account.

For example, the threshold for payment of your account is U.S. $ 100. In this case, if your total unpaid earnings reached $ 100 during January and you have completed the four steps above, we will send payment to you at the end of February.

If the total income does not reach the threshold of the unpaid bill, revenue will be transferred to the next month and was given after reaching the threshold.

Payments are sent approximately 30 days from the end of the month. See the schedule of the payment cycle in the Payment Schedule below.

Payment Schedule or "When will I receive payment"

Revenues commencing: On the last day of each month, our system identifies all accounts that have reached the payment threshold. All accounts that have reached the threshold will be sent for approval. In the first few days of each month, the link with a specific revenue details will be sent to the Payment History page.

Payment sent: In the next few weeks, lines sent Payment will be listed on your Payment History page to indicate that payment has been calculated. Today, we will process and send payment to you.

Receipt of payment: The time it takes for your payment is received depends on the form of payment you choose.

* Check regular mail: generally arrive in 1-2 weeks from the date of delivery in the U.S., while outside the U.S. are usually received within 2-6 weeks.
* Secure Delivery checks: generally arrive in 5-7 days.
* EFT Payments: will be received in your bank account within 2-4 days.
* Western Union Quick Cash payments: can be taken at the local dealer the next day.
* Payment by Rapida: can be taken at the local post office within two business days after delivery.

If there are problems with payment, a notice will be sent to the Payment History page. If payment is not received within 60 days after being sent, you can request a reissue.
READ MORE - How is payment from google adsense?

Maybe when you finish reading my articles in particular, entitled "How To Get Money From the Internet?" And "How Can I Make Money From Blogging?" Is It Possible To Make A Living Running A Blog? "You will be interested and started to try it.

Of course, that you must do is make your blog or website but the problem then how can we blog in the know lots of people while our blog is still new.
Now therefore I will give you a few tricks a clever way to promote the blog so that many people in the know.

There are seven smart to promote your new blog:

  1. Add your blog address in an email signature. Still remember how to create an email signature? Do not forget to add your blog address in an email signature.
  2. Create Fans page.
  3. Do not depend on one source of traffic. You can bring traffic from many sources such as from an image and blog search engines. (Read the pan Traffic from Google Blog Search and Google Image)
  4. Do blogwalking. Suppose you could start from blogwalking to 10 blogs and comment. Make it a routine every day. Mathematically, a month means there are 300 blogs that you visit and comment. If a year?
  5. Quick announce each new post. Every blog is updated, immediately announce if you just update it.
  6. Hold a contest. Especially SEO contest, SEO Contests will make the contest participants and audience of the contest, coming repeatedly into your blog to find out the latest developments contests. Not necessarily a big giveaway. Could start with the ability to provide appropriate gift.
  7. Tell your friends. If that's how the offline campaign. Each time you meet your friends or colleagues, on the sidelines of the conversation, you tell me if you have a blog. Specify address or name of your blog. When you need to write it on paper. Not only are your friends most likely to visit your blog, but it's possible they will also tell others.
7 ways on top of already good enough to make your blog traffic is increasing and with more visitors to your blog you also would be easier to promote your affiliate ads and PPC ads.
READ MORE - 7 Quick Ways Promote New Blog.

Maybe you often play games on the internet and suddenly appeared on the screen monitor adsense ads do not be surprised that that called Adsense For Games although still in taxation or beta version.

but Adsense For Games will be the most potent marketing weapon because once the proliferation of games both online and gaming offline.Adsense Games For there is in the form of text, images and videos that will appear on the monitor at the beginning, middle or end of the game.

For game makers, whether you're ready to dredge the dollar from Adsense For Games? Soon, Google invited to participate if you have any games online. But keep in mind that for now, this advertising program only applies if you have traffic 80% of American and English and have a minimum of 500 000 games per day.

So, maybe for now still be a dream, but for the future, surely this program will further soften and worldwide.
READ MORE - Adsense For Games.

How To Optimize Your Keyword Blog ?

If you want your blog or website you can become the first top ranking in google adsense there are some things you should do on your blog.
One is to optimize keywords for your blog is important to do because the first time someone opened the search engines they would enter the keyword.

There are some tricks you can do to optimize your blog's keywords:

1. Finding profitable niche you can see in notice should there be any topic that you mastered.
2. Using Oveerture Bid Tool, can be found in to see how the price-per-click ads on an ad. Sometimes there is an ad click price could reach $ 10 per click.
3. Use Keyword suggestion tools who can be seen in search phrases with the search results of hundreds of thousands of results. Do not use the keyword with the search results until it reaches millions.
4. Use the tool to view the approximate price per click ads from which we enter the phrase.

Important SEO Tips & Tricks

1. Perform experiments and look for "high Paying Keywords" just by using the Keyword Suggestion Tool and Google Adsense Sandbox Tool until you find a new niche niche-balanced in view of the search results.
2. MLP choose keywords, do not be too ordinary or general, because it will not compete. But do not be too specific, because maybe no one will ever find your site.
3. Repeat these steps "finding Process" this chapter with the topic keywords you select, this is like looking for a puzzle pirate treasure map, one can solve, the money will keep flowing to you.

Attention :
Google has introduced a new system in adsens program with the name "Intelligent Pricing" which is designed to detect members who make the site duplications.
Now they can find content from different sites but from the same account, then the commission will be generated will be in for two
READ MORE - Optimize Your Keyword Blog !

- Beware of Phishing! Phishing is a criminal theft of your username and your PayPal account password, phishing, from the English word fishing (fishing), PayPal users receive spam emails usually contain links that lead to fake websites that resemble the PayPal website, if users visit PayPal and log into the PayPal website fake your username and password will be stolen. Therefore for your safety make sure every visit PayPal's website address is written in the address bar of your browser is the address of the official PayPal website or https: / / to type it directly in the browser address bar

- To avoid the possibility of phishing or other crimes, do not log into the PayPal site from a link in email or another site (lots of fake emails that lure people to visit and to a fake PayPal site), always open a new browser and typing the address directly the PayPal site

- Do not download attachments from an email claiming to be from PayPal, or ask you to install such software update to your computer, PayPal never send an attachment in an email, use your account wisely

- Never give your PayPal password to anyone, including the phone, PayPal employees never ask for your password, if you believe someone else knows your password immediately possible to change your password immediately and contact

- Do not make your PayPal password with your password at another website (such as email passwords, forums, classified ads, etc.) due to other website owners can view your email and password on their website

- To increase the security of PayPal account you become a Verified / Verified

- Before you make transactions using PayPal from the website privacy and kemanannya first check and make sure the website is not a fraud to contact them, do not transact with a website whose owners could not be contacted, find out someone else who had dealings with them how its reputation on the forum or another website , it is better if the website has been verified by Verisign, Hacker save or other security verification, make sure the logo is also Verisign, Hacker save or other security if the website is listed diwebsite on the link to verify their respective websites, if you do not need to suspect websites where you will perform the transaction, and better yet if the website has a SSL secured the yellow padlock sign on the right bottom of the browser means that the website has a layered security
READ MORE - Paypal Important Tips!

Show romanization

Dear colleagues, never heard the term carding? Carding is collecting credit card data from online transaction (swipe and type in the Internet) by the owners of the hands of ignorant aka criminals.

Is there a way that is more secure transactions on the Internet?

There are, namely PayPal. PayPal is an online account, which accepts payments from credit cards and from paypal funds.

How do I receive payments from credit cards?

The trick is to connect our credit card to PayPal account is ours, so that when the transactions, we no longer have to type the credit card number to merchants, but simply typing in our paypal email and the amount of product price will we pay.

So, before you transact on the Internet using a credit card, we recommend you have a PayPal account that has been verified.

What is PayPal verified?

PayPal always require verification, to know that WE have a credit card, and the CREDIT CARDS that are ours, not the result of carding.

Therefore, when we connect a credit card to PayPal, then PayPal will ask for reconfirmation of us.

The trick? PayPal deliberately sending four-digit code called the Expanded Use Number, or better known as PayPal Code.

What's the point of PayPal code?

As I mentioned above, the PayPal code is a security code to confirm that it belonged to your credit card.

If you use a credit card to others, then the PayPal code will be sent to the original credit card owners, who may never know that already dijebol by credit card to verify your PayPal.

People who feel disadvantaged are able to report the matter to the Police or Interpol, if it is true there have been carding on the credit card.

If you use credit cards to private property, surely it will be until the PayPal code into your hands within 45 days, the time you get a billing statement.

You should also understand that not all credit cards can be used for PayPal verification, and not everyone is willing to type their credit card numbers online.

What if I use a Virtual Credit Card? Is it also represents my CC number private?

Virtual Credit Card or VCC is a substance to substitute the use of a credit card without having a credit card, which is your number private.

Confused huh? explained it this way:

VCC number in a for you, is the new number is INSTANT, and DO NOT HAVE A NAME, ADDRESS so that when inserted into PayPal, which appears is your own name and address, as if you have a real credit card. But there are differences between the VCC and regular credit cards, namely: VCC is only valid for three months.

Why VCC can be used for PayPal verification?

If you read the writing on that VCC is instant and does not have the name and address, then obviously, VCC can be combined with your data, so that when PayPal VCC check number, and your name and address, then no irregularities found, because all the data Your personal.

VCC for PayPal verification is fully charged and ready to fund $ 2 for authorization to use PayPal. Once completed authorization, meaning of PayPal to accept the truth of credit card data and your data, then PayPal will attract funds of $ 2 to test whether your credit card's (VCC) is still valid, and have the funds.

Completed authorization, PayPal immediately sent to your PayPal code.

Different from ordinary credit cards, which must wait 45 days or delivery of the next billing statement, then PayPal PayPal Code that was sent to VCC can directly be seen in Online Bank where VCC is made.

This is what causes your PayPal can be verified much more quickly than using a regular credit card.

Once there was one person who verified through me, no more than a minute PayPalnya been verified. Of course, people were very understanding and very clever english so was not until 10 seconds, was the link and confirm, and by chance sama2 online at YM, I could send him a PayPal Code at that time also.

Back to LAPTOP:

What is the use PayPal Code?

- In conclusion, PayPal is a secure online account and provide guarantees 100% of your transactions through PayPal. PayPal Code is created and sent to us to ensure that the credit card does not belong to someone else, and still valid for transactions on the Internet.

Hopefully useful ..
READ MORE - What Is Paypal Code ?

Withdraw with a credit card, debit card or prepaid card Visa

Terms and conditions Withdraw paypal

1. To be able to withdraw you must:
- As a Premier account or business account (if still a Personal account you can upgrade easily and for free at page My Account)
- It has been verified member
- Already have a Visa credit card, Visa debit card or a prepaid Visa card into your PayPal account. Withdraw Funds will be inserted into one of these cards

2. To determine whether credit cards Visa, Visa debit card or your Visa prepaid card can be used to withdraw paypal:
- Login to the site
- Go to My Account -> Profile -> Add or Edit Credit Card
- If the readings on the status Accepts PayPal withdrawals card means you can use it to withdraw
- You can also add a new card with the button "Add a Card

3. Required 5-7 working days or maybe more depending on your bank to process Withdraw

4. There are a minimal number of withdraw, which is $ 10 USD

5. There is a fee fee each time you withdraw it, which is about $ 5 USD

Like what form to withdraw my card?

1. Visa credit cards: Withdraw Funds from will appear as a credit on your credit card statement, you can choose to reduce your credit card bills or withdraw their funds directly (if your bank allows)

2. Visa debit cards: Withdraw Funds from the credit will appear as an entry / transfer into your bank account, you can retrieve it through an ATM if you support an ATM debit card

3. Prepaid Visa cards: Withdraw Funds will raise the balance from prepaid cards

Cards from each bank is different to the use PayPal Withdraw, Withdraw fee costs, speed withdraw, etc.. Contact your bank directly to ask

Steps to Withdraw withdraw money from paypal balance

1. Go to site

2. Go to My Account -> Withdraw -> Transfer funds to your card

3. Contents withdraw the desired amount of funds, select the Visa card that will be used for purposes withdraw funds. If you have, click continue to proceed

Withdraw to a local Indonesian bank account

Terms and conditions Withdraw Paypal to a local bank account:

1. To be able to withdraw you must:
- It has been verified member
- Having a local bank account in Indonesia, such as BCA, Mandiri, Lippo Bank, etc. on behalf of the holders of TSB Paypal. Withdraw Funds will be input into TSB account.

2. Local banks to which you should be able to receive the amount

3. Required 5-7 working days or maybe more depending on your bank to process Withdraw

4. There are a minimal number of withdraw, that is $ 10 USD or 100,000

5. There is a fee fee each time you withdraw it, which is around Rp16.000 to withdraw under Rp1.500.000, free of charge a fee if you withdraw a minimum cost Rp1.500.000 or more

Incorporate your local bank account in your paypal account:

1. Login to the site

2. Go to My Account -> Profile -> Add or Edit Bank Account

3. Fill in your bank account data and information on your local bank.

For the Bank column code (password Beneficiary Bank) is seven digit number (consisting of three digits + 4 digits Password Bank branch code bank account where the making)

Note 1. Bank code name in Indonesia is the bank clearing number, so you can also ask your bank clearing number of branches that have only seven digits to make it easier

Note 2. Bank branch code is not a bank SWIFT code, to get your bank branch code number is correct Bank visit its site or contact the bank concerned

Sandi Banks in Indonesia:

1. BCA - BANK CENTRAL ASIA = 014 (Cari kode cabang bank BCA di )
5. CITIBANK = 031
6. ABN AMRO BANK = 052
9. LIPPO BANK = 026
11. BANK MEGA = 426
17. BANK NIAGA = 022
20. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A = 033
25. BANK AGRONIAGA, Tbk. = 494
26. BANK AKITA = 525
27. BANK ALFINDO = 503
35. BANK BUMI ARTA = 076
38. BANK CENTURY = 095
49. BANK GANESHA = 161
50. BANK HAGA = 089
53. BANK HARFA = 517
55. BANK HIMPUNAN SAUDARA 1906, Tbk. = 212
56. BANK IFI = 093
61. BANK JASA ARTA = 422
64. BANK KESAWAN. = 167
69. BANK MAYORA = 553
79. BANK OCBC = 948
80. BANK PERMATA Tbk. = 013
85. BANK ROYAL = 501
86. BANK SHINTA = 153
90. BANK SWADESI. = 146
91. BANK SWAGUNA = 405
93. BANK UIB = 536
94. BANK UOB BUANA = 023
108. THE BANGKOK BANK. = 040
110. BANK DKI = 111
111. BPD ACEH = 116
112. BPD BALI = 129
113. BPD BENGKULU = 133
114. BPD JAMBI = 115
116. BPD JAWA TENGAH = 113
117. BPD JAWA TIMUR = 114
122. BPD LAMPUNG = 121
123. BPD MALUKU = 131
127. BPD RIAU = 119

4. You can also add another bank account number and then by repeating the steps above No.2

Steps to Withdraw money from paypal balance

Before you can withdraw to your bank account, you must enter your local bank account in your paypal account once before, like the steps above.

1. Go to site

2. Go to My Account -> Withdraw -> Withdraw funds to your bank account

3. Enter the amount of funds that want to withdraw in dollars (will be in converting a dollar in your bank account by your bank automatic)

4. Click continue and follow the next steps

5. Funds will go to your bank account within 5-7 working days or maybe more depending on the relevant Bank

Withdraw to a U.S. Bank account
You also can withdraw PayPal funds to your bank account in America.

Caution: This method only if you have a bank account in America

Steps to Withdraw balance to withdraw money from paypal to Bank of America account

1. Go to site

2. Go to My Account -> Profile -> Add or Edit Bank Account

3. The contents of the bank name, account type, routing number and bank account number in your America. If you have, click continue to proceed

4. Go To My Account -> Withdraw -> Withdraw funds to your bank account

5. Select Country United states and input the amount of funds that want to withdraw in dollars, and follow the next steps
READ MORE - Paypal Balance to Attract Other Media


Company Paypal (Paypal corp.) As it is known today is a merger between the company and Confinity in 2000

Confinity founded in december 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levchin, initially as a means of payment as the company's Palm Pilot and
kriptograpi (cryptography, writings or figures secret).

While was founded by Elon Musk in March 1999, the company's financial planning service providers. The two companies first location is at 165 University Avenue office in Palo Alto, California, home to some beginners in Silicon Valley

Ebay saw the development of the use of Paypal and Paypal match concluded as one means of payment on ebay. In May 1999 ebay purchase
Billpoint and make Billpoint as the main payment instruments at the time and make ebay Billpoint solely to the means of payment on ebay only, therefore Paypal only appeared several times as the preferred means of payment on ebay than Billpoint.
But because people prefer Paypal because it easy and more secure in the February 2000 there are 200 000 on average per day of supply that uses Paypal Billpoint while offering only 4000. In April 2000 more than 1 million offer to use Paypal

Acquisition by ebay

On ebay acquired Paypal in 2002 amounted to U.S. $ 1.5 Billion. PayPal had previously been used as a means of payment favorite with more than 55% and beat the ebay user ebay payment instrument other then Billpoint. Ebay finally remove Billpoint services to strengthen brand Paypal for ebay. Many major competitor went bankrupt or sold Paypal, Citibank c2it closed at the end of 2003, Yahoo PayDirect closed at the end of 2004, Western Union BidPay announced the closing service in 2005 and sold it in 2006 CyberSource Corporation. Other rivals such as Moneybookers and Paypal Kagi still survive until now

In the first quarter 2006 total transactions through Paypal worth U.S. $ 8 Billion, up 41% from year to year. The Company remains focused on the development of
internationally and to increase the merchant services division, and provides tools for users of ebay online payment
READ MORE - History Of Paypal.

By becoming a verified status (Truth your address already in check by PayPal for security reasons) would eliminate the limit to send money or withdraw money into your bank account or debit card / credit card, PayPal account and make you more trustworthy seller and buyer

Step into the status verified:

1. Log into your PayPal account

2. Click Get status verified

3. You have two options:

A. Verified using a bank account / Link My Bank Account
B. Verified using a debit card or credit card / Link My Credit Card or Debit Card

A. Verified using a bank account / Link My Bank Account
- Enter the name of your bank account holders
- Enter the name of your bank, see the Code of bank (Password bank Recipient) below, examples for BCA bank: PT. PT BANK CENTRAL ASIA
- Enter the seven digit bank code (password Beneficiary Bank) on the bank you use, see the Code of bank (Password bank Recipient) below, Example code for the BCA bank: 0,140,012
- Enter your account number on the bank
- Press the Continue button and complete the steps to enter the bank account
- The next step is to wait two transfers of money from Paypal into your bank account as a confirmation that you are the owner of that account. Usually only around Rp1-Rp100. Usually within 1-3 business days you can check in online banking, mobile banking, passbook or other bank account records mutation
- After two such transfers into your bank account, record how much, then please go back to your PayPal account. Click the Confirm Bank Account / Confirm Bank Account and enter the amount of money

- Almost all major banks in Indonesia can be used to verify PayPal
- If the name on your PayPal account does not match the name on your bank account, can change the name on your PayPal account at: https: / /

B. Verified using a debit card or credit card / Link My Credit Card or Debit Card
- Enter the credit card data or debit card you are required
- When finished entering your credit card data, you will get 4 digit verification code from PayPal, which will be sent into the monthly statement or your credit card statement online (usually within 1-3 business days), your credit card will be charged $ 1.95 USD for this purpose. Purpose of sending PayPal verification code is to ensure that the address you provide is correct (not a mere fictional addresses).
- If you've got the four-digit security code from the monthly statement or your credit card online statement later, login with your PayPal account, then are at My Account / My Account click Confirm / confirm to enter a four digit security code from PayPal, once you enter a four digit security code is your PayPal account will be Verified / Verified and will add $ 1.95 USD into your PayPal account automatically then, so free reckoning

Credit Cards

Here are credit cards from Indonesia that have been tested and received reports from the community PayPal

- HSBC Visa
- BNI Visa
- Independent Visa
- Citibank Mastercard
- BCA Mastercard
- BRI Mastercard
- Etc.

Note: The results on each card is not always the same, the age card, the card limit, or other factors can determine your card is accepted or not

Debit Card / ATM

We currently have just received a report on new PayPal debit card / ATM with visa electron logo, and can be used as sources of funds to and become a verified PayPal account (4 verification number is sent into the online statement)

Debit Card / ATM accepted PayPal:

Commerce ATM card logo visa electron

Note: regular ATM card, such as passports BCA ATM card, ATM card Bank Mandiri, BNI bank ATM cards, ATM cards and other ordinary non-logo Visa electron debit card is not included, and can not be used to verify how to use a debit card / this credit card
READ MORE - Becoming Paypal Verified

1. General requirements

Paypal account holders must be at least 18 years old or older and have:\
1) email address as username = your PayPal account later
2) The bank account or credit card = What will be used to become a Verified / Verified and to be able to Withdraw (PayPal balance to Attract Other Media) later

2. Step by step tutorial registration

Before starting to register, prepare your data to create a PayPal account, such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, credit card number (Make sure the Name, Address, Phone you will fill out to the same registration with the data on your credit card)

1. Go to the PayPal site:
https: / /

We recommend to register a paypal using the link above, use the referral link above link from, we have been told to consider registration of each signup is coming from community, and so the team easier to monitor developments in Indonesia paypal and help if there is a problem

2. Click Sign Up Today to register

3. Furthermore, there is a choice state, because you are in Indonesia choose Indonesia. You can also change the language to Indonesian. Then select the type of account you want as needed

4. Next input your information such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, etc. (Make sure the Name, Address, Phone of your content to the same registration data bank account or your credit card)

Input your email will be your PayPal username to log on or transact using PayPal then

Fill in your password with a combination of letters and numbers, at least eight characters

Fill in your name according to the data bank account or your credit card
- If you name two syllables, Bambang Sugianto examples: First, the column name (first name) filled Bambang, and the column Last name (last name) filled Sugianto
- If you name three syllables, for example Tomi pratama grace: First, the column name (first name) filled Tomi, Middle column name (middle name) filled with grace, and the column Last name (last name) filled pratama
- If your name is only one syllable, Safrudin examples: First, the column name (first name) Safrudin filled, and the column Last name (last name) is filled with a comma

Examples of writing the correct phone number: 02177755555 or 021-77755555 or 62-21-77755555 or 08123456789

Enter your credit card number which will be used to incorporate the funds into your PayPal account, if you do not want to enter your credit card data now remove the checkmark in the Connect to my credit card so I can immediately start shopping (recommended) / Links my credit card so I can start shopping right away (recommended), you can enter your credit card data and then after login on my account page / My Account

Check again and make sure the Name, Address, Phone of your data in accordance with the contents of your bank account or your credit card, if it is convinced press I agree, create my account

4. You will receive an email confirmation that you have registered and to enable a PayPal account, open an email from PayPal and click the confirmation link contained therein, to confirm that you are the owner of the email. Next, you'll be taken to PayPal's site again, follow the next steps

Finished, congratulations you have your PayPal account!

You already can use your PayPal account right now


Now you already have a PayPal account is not Verified / Unverified to make a purchase online, send money to other PayPal accounts or receive money from another PayPal account with a limit may be limited. To eliminate limit your paypal account must be Verified / Verified (Truth your address already in check by PayPal for security reasons) by following the steps to be Verified

During yet Verified / Unverified, your PayPal can not withdraw funds / Withdraw to your bank account or your credit card. To be able to withdraw money from paypal balance, you already have Verified / Verified

If you do not already included or would like to add a bank account, login with your PayPal account and to the Account / My Account -> Profile / Profile -> Add / Edit Bank Account / Add or Edit Bank Account

If you do not already included or would like to add a credit card, login with your PayPal account and to the Account / My Account -> Profile / Profile -> Add / Edit Credit Card / Add or Edit Credit Card

One person is allowed to have up to two PayPal accounts as necessary, ie one type of account Personals / Personal Account type plus a Primary / Premiere or type of Business / Business. Example you already have an account type Primary / Premiere for purposes of your online purchase, and want to make a longer account for personal purposes such as for shopping in order to separate from the main account (Primary / Premiere or Business / Business) is to sell or do business. Account type Private / Personal have the advantage of discounted fees lower. To create a PayPal account with a different type you can repeat the registration steps above, use data self-Name, Address and Phone same, but use email and Bank Account / Credit Card different
READ MORE - How to Sign Up Paypal and Verification ?

PayPal is one of the means of payment (Payment procesors) use the internet the most used and safest in the world.

Internet users can buy goods on ebay, original software licenses, membership sites, business affairs, send and receive donations / contributions, send money to other PayPal users worldwide and many other functions easily and automatically use the internet or mobile.
PayPal overcome deficiencies in such traditional money transfer check or Money orders can be time-consuming processes such as PayPal bank account, you will first create an account, then the funds will be withdrawn directly from your credit card to that account or with the payment / transfer funds from your PayPal account in another person to Balance / Balance PayPal you, and you already can use a PayPal account to transact

February 2010 PayPal has received 190 countries and 23 currencies, PayPal users in Indonesia still have to use a count of U.S. dollars because the rupiah did not exist in PayPal, the funds are withdrawn directly from your credit card will automatically be converted into U.S. dollars

eBay is the place of auction / sale / world's largest online market, with users more than 200 million people worldwide (as of June 2006), you can browse and buy everything from electronic goods, vehicles, up from scarce goods all ebay users worldwide, the main payment method on eBay is by PayPal because it is more secure and automatic, although there are sellers who accept payment by other means

Paypal is more secure than other online payment tool .

Purchaser / Buyer who feels harmed or did not fit that description notified may request money back to the Seller / Seller within maximum 45 days after the payment. If the buyer uses a credit card chargeback will receive a refund from their credit card company.

PayPal also protects the seller from a refund or complaint that is not true of the buyer according to proof. Protection for sellers is designed to protect sellers from buyers who claim to have sent the money claimed to have no record of payment receipt and a description of the transaction, every purchase and payment using PayPal there is always a record of proof of payment in your PayPal account in the sending and receiving money, as evidence if the right has occurred remittances between the two

From this it can be concluded using PayPal is more secure than other online payment tool for sending and receiving money because there is proof of payment and the record description, and can make complaints if there is something right or wrong to avoid a complaint.

Source :
READ MORE - What Is Paypal ?

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